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“What a Joy, to travel the way of the HEART.”   ~Rumi… ♥ 

Chakra balancing is a 5,000 year-old healing tradition from India,

that helps balance our chakras the 7 spinning wheels of energy

that affect our health, well-being and beauty.

Our hand-selected sets will make the

perfect Valentines gift

from YOU!

Great as gift for beginners or personal choice for those looking for starter set.  
Each set includes 12 luminous heart shaped  minerals that are a generous @ 1” in diameter
(not considered mini),  sets comes in protective pouch and includes our Guide to Metaphysical
Properties/Chakra Balancing and a Mini Guide to Chakras.  Available both with and without
the cut & polished clear Quartz shown in picture below.  Order directly from Heart of Maui
at Info@HeartofMaui.com or 808-280-3682 before February 1st and we’ll add a free
copy of our Guide to 7 Major Chakras ($8 value) or send
Shipping Free (US Only)*.  W/0 Crystal-$55
With addt’l Crystal-$66
1)  BLACK JASPER  Great for the lower chakras, making it an excellent stone for grounding the energies of one who may be experiencing spaciness. This property can greatly help those with a lack of emotional and/or physical stability. Black Jasper is also good for connecting one’s higher vibrations to the earth, helping with manifestation work. Black Jasper is exceptionally cleansing and can bring support, assistance during a healing crisis. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Chakras.

2) SNOWFLAKE OBSIDIAN Brings purity and balance to body, mind and spirit. Useful in recognizing patterns that are no longer useful and redesigning them. Assists in attaining deep meditative state, developing sensitivity to love and beauty. 1st, 4th, 7th Chakras.

3) RED JASPER A gentle stone, Red Jasper works slowly and effectively, and is a great stone to ground anyone who is overly sensitive to crystalline energy. Red Jasper aids in resolving difficult situations and can be used to ground and stabilize the Aura. Using Jasper can bring helpful insights into view that can help to progress toward set goals, or to understand why a change may be necessary. Red Jasper is a staple of the medicine bag. 1st, 2nd Chakras.

4) CARNELIAN is a powerful Sacral Chakra Stone. Increases personal power, physical energy, gives courage, boosts creativity, compassion. Carnelian calms anger, grounds you in reality, creates awareness or unconditional Love. Mentally aids meditation by allowing deeper concentration and keeping out interrupting thoughts. Useful in making decisions – keeping one focused on the here and now. Carnelian encourages initiative and determination. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Chakras.

5) MOOKAITE JASPER Mookaite is a very healing stone that helps provide stability to one’s perspective of life, helping you make the right decisions based on objective knowledge. Mookaite is thought to help slow the aging process by changing internal beliefs regarding that process, and by helping us to remember that the spirit is eternal. Mookaite connects and balances the 1st, 3rd, and 6th Chakras.

6) GOLDEN TIGER EYE Synthesizes energies of Sun and Earth. Offers grounding, centering. Enhances connection with personal power, will, self-confidence. Balances male/female polarities. Softens stubbornness. Encourages clear perception, insight. Assists in stimulating, maintaining wealth. Good mediation stones in working with groups. Provides comfort for those working in isolation. 3rd, 4th Chakras.
7) GREEN AVENTURINE Activates, clears heart chakra. Offers protection. Purifies mental, emotional, etheric bodies. Brings alignment to center. Strengthens blood, stimulates muscle tissue. Enhances tranquility, positive attitude toward life. Excellent for grief issues. Encourages leadership, reinforces decisiveness. 3rd, 4th, 5th Chakras.

8) ROSE QUARTZ Emits cool, calming energy. Gently removes negativity, reinstates feelings of self-love. Brings peacefulness, calm to relation-ships.  Release of stored anger, jealousy, fear, guilt.  Enhances self confidence, creativity.  Eases sexual, emotional imbalances, increases fertility.  Provides comfort, allows easier sleep.  Keep in nearby environment or wear it if drawn to this stone.  4th, All Chakras
9) LABRADORITE heightens intuition and enhances psychic abilities, great for Third Eye Chakra. Balances intuition and intellect, illusions are dispelled, true intentions are seen more easily. Protective against negative energies, balancing and protecting the aura, sealing it from energy leaks. Useful in healing past life issues. Useful during times of transformation, change, helps prepare the body and soul for ascension. All Chakras especially ins, 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 7th.

10) SODALITE Opens third eye. Calms, clears, grounds. Balances male/female polarities. Enhances creative expression, encourages speaking one’s truth by allowing recognition, verbalization of feelings. Eliminates confusion by encouraging “logical” conclusions compatible with each situation. Encourages self-esteem, trust in self, others. 5th, 6th Chakras.

11) CHEVRON AMETHYST opens and activates Crown Chakra, allows activation of energy that aligns energy bodies. Helps maintain calm, peacefulness. Provides clear connection between the earth plane and other worlds. Offers stability, strength, invigoration, peace. Chevron amethyst makes excellent third eye stone stimulating vision as well as calming tension. Allows release of resistance to spiritual growth. 6th, 7th Chakras.

12) WHITE AVENTURINE White Aventurine is a mirror to the soul. Mica inclusions add a unique energy as they provide reflective qualities so that one can recognize that in each person you see but the reflection of that which you choose to have that person be. All Chakra, especially 7th.

13) QUARTZ POINT beautiful cut and polished free-standing points to as a centerpiece for your own mini-heart grid or for clearing, energizing stones.  All quartz offers protection from mental, physical harm, dissolves stagnant energy, clears and opens chakra centers, is multi-functional in work with all chakras, allowing reconnection of energy to tissues.  When energy returns, rebuilding, renewal occurs.  All Chakras.
This elegant Heartstone set features less available and more expensive minerals.
Includes 12 luminous 1”  heart shaped minerals. Available with or without cut and polished 
1” Quartz Point as shown above.  Comes with Heart of Maui’s  informative Guide to
Metaphysical Properties, Chakra Balancing Guide and Mini Chakra Guide.  
Order directly from Heart of Maui at Info@HeartofMaui.com or 808-280-3682 
before February 1st and we’ll add a free copy of our Guide to 7
Major Chakras ($8 value) or send Shipping Free (US Only)*
W/0 Crystal $77 Ea. / With addt’l Crystal $88 Ea.

1) BLACK ONYX A powerful protection stone, Black Onyx absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent drain of personal energy. Aids the development of emotional, physical strength, stamina, especially during times of stress. Fosters wise decision making. Use for grounding, to help realize material goals. Can provide support for self discipline issues. Also, useful in healing old wounds or past life issues. 1st Chakra.

2) ZEBRA JASPER assists in balancing, uniting energies of masculine and feminine, Yin and Yang. It also balances the chakras, and the physical, intellectual, emotional, and etheric bodies. It allows one to be optimistic, despite life’s stresses and gives initiative to tackle those problems. It will encourage you to dare to dream and turn those dreams into reality. A grounding stone, allowing tuning into Mother Earth to find joy in surroundings. Primarily 1st Chakra.

3) SMOKEY QUARTZ helps ground with Earth energies. Use to absorb and transmute negative energy. Smokey quartz can be helpful in group situation, to bring a vibe of cooperation. A great stone for pain relief, Smokey Quartz can facilitate meditation, deepening state of awareness. In heart shape amplifies living energies in the lower Chakras, helping one to truly feel Universal Love in this physical world. All Chakras, primarily 1st.

4) BRECCIATED JASPER is a detoxifying stone, promoting health and organization. It can help one in developing creativity and finding outlets for expression. The hematite within acts as a deflector of negativity. Add stability to Kundalini energy. Helps bring mental clarity and focus to a previously scattered life. Helpful to those recovering from any kind of illness. Makes a great “worry-stone” because of calming and nurturing properties. 1st, 2nd Chakras.

5) PEACH AVENTURINE is considered a stone of good luck, fortune, manifestor or new possibilities. Called the “Whisper Stone” assisting in hearing critical, judgmental inner voice, especially when preparing for, during meditation. Assists in clear blockages between the Sacral and Third-Eye Chakra. Encourages discernment of applying, aligning with the highest vibration. 2nd, 3rd, 4th Chakras.

6) LEOPARD SKIN JASPER is a supportive stone that encourages those living or working in close proximity to respect, help each other. Facilitates strength, courage, and vitality. Hematite in the jasper acts as a deflector of negativity. It’s grounding, balancing energy, assists in maintaining realistic outlook. Good for protection, evoking passion, connection to animal kingdom. Used to eliminate toxins from body and as breathing-aid during meditation. 1st, 4th, 7th Chakras.

7) PETRIFIED WOOD brings wonderful healing energies to both physical and emotional issues. Its ancient energies, and enhanced past-life work, teaches patience and allowing life to evolve in perfection. Its grounding energies can encourage living life as a spiritual being within this physical realm, connecting with Earth energies. Meditation with Petrified Wood may take you back to connect with a time when your Spirit was cradled by Nature. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Chakras.
8) ROSE QUARTZ  Aids development of love, forgiveness and compassion, including same directed toward self.  Removes negativity and reinstates gentle loving force of self love.  Balances yin-yang energy and attunes each chakra to proper frequency of energy vibration.  Rejuvenates both physical body, emotions.  Reduces stress, tension, allows for release of stored anger,  jealousy, fear, guilt. 4th, All Chakras.

9) UNAKITE  Allows focus on present time, release of pent up anger, resentment, dealing with blockages from past.  Fosters transformation through awareness.  Balances heart chakra while encouraging realization of all-is-one in life.  3rd, 4th, All Chakras

10) LAPIS LAZULI  Clears brow, throat chakras, provides for unification of all chakras.  Stimulates clarity of responsiveness in self-expression.   Awakens one to the perfection of self.  Enhances feelings of serenity.  Balances yin-yang energies.  Placed over third eye aids insight into dream forces working to provide counsel during altered states.   5th, 6th Chakras

11) PURPLE FLUORITE  All Fluorite stabilizes mental, emotional, physical, spiritual systems.  Great organiz-ation stone bringing order to chaos, allows unbiased, impartial  reasoning where helpful. stone. Purple Fluorite used to prepare one for physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual healing, bringing order to same. Often used to soften energy, dissolve blocks between chakras.  6th, 7th Chakras.  

12) QUARTZ, PREMIUM CLEAR All quartz offers protection from mental and physical harm, dissolves stagnant energy, clears and opens chakra centers and is multi-functional in work with all chakras, allowing reconnection of energy to tissues that have been dis-eased.  When energy returns, rebuilding and renewal occurs.  7th, All Chakras.

13) QUARTZ POINT beautiful cut and polished free-standing pieces to use as a centerpiece for your own mini-grid or for clearing, energizing stones.  All quartz offers protection from mental, physical harm, dissolves stagnant energy, clears and opens chakra centers, is multi-functional in work with all chakras, allowing reconnection of energy to tissues.  When energy returns, rebuilding, renewal occurs.  All Chakras.



This beautiful collection includes the 5 Platonic Solids plus Sphere and Merkaba that are the building blocks of all creation and vehicles of ascension. We have arranged them in chakra order to facilitate chakra balancing.  Included is detailed information on each ‘solid’ plus our own Mini-Chakra Guide and a Protective Travel Pouch. Box Dimensions – 9.75″ x 1.25″ x  1.75″.  Best Seller & Great Value at $59.00 Set
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LEMURIAN SEED CRYSTAL PENDULUM.  This simple, yet quickly responsive divination tool have become a favorite of most having the opportunity to use one, in fact have sells more quickly than any other pendulum we’ve offered.  Crystal sphere is @ 7/8″, the round shape allowing for greater energy intake with the advantage of ‘no point to break’.  On a simple Sterling Silver chain in protective pouch, each comes with a free complimentary 8-page ‘How to Use Pendulum Guide’ . . . . . . . . . . . . $22. Ea.







Tools for Spiritual Transformation & Conscious Evolution

Crystal & MineralsAndaras * Lemurians * Chakra Sets  Pendulums

* Taffeta Jewelry Saques * Karuna Art Chakra, Goddess,

Children’s, World Peace Prayer Flags and much More.

Visit  www.HeartofMaui.com to view all offerings.

And find us on FaceBook & Pinterest.  

We’d LOVE to hear from YOU! so . .

Email Info@HeartofMaui.com or

call us at 808-280-3682