Category: Ascension


ARE YOU continually drawn to the subtle, but powerful beauty of The Mineral Kingdom? Are you curious about these tiny powerhouses and how to use them? Below you’ll find guidance on using them in a simple and easy process called ‘Chakra Balancing’. Whether a beginner or an experienced crystal user you will find this a handy and practical guide to experiencing the healing power of stones (aka crystals & minerals) for yourself. Please feel welcome to share this knowledge with friends & clients.  EnJOY the JOURNEY!



 CHAKRAS ARE the spinning wheels of energy that interface points between the physical and non-physical bodies. There are 7 Major Chakras that lie along a linear pathway from the Crown Chakra located at the top of the head, to the Root Chakra located at the base of the spine. Each acts as a transformer within the body. Their purpose is to bring a higher level of vibration into the system for purification and healing of negative energies that can result from stress, aging, surgery, environmental factors and more. The 7 Major Chakras are considered primary and are represented by the seven color rays. Knowing more about these seven chakras is the beginning to working with this wonderful healing system. 

EXERCISE: On waking do a quick ‘body scan’ and become aware of whether or not you are feeling ‘grounded’ and try to sense any differences in flow of energy (or lack of) at each of the chakra points. Making a mental or written note of location. Using information found in a chakra information guide, take the time to become familiar with names and locations. notice where there are feelings of discomfort and use that information to identify the related chakra and suggested stone choices.

 NOTE: I have been recently addressing fear issues. Recently a quick mental body scan told me that this was a first chakra ‘survival’ issue and was draining energy from all of my other chakras. When dealing with power struggle issues I often notice a tightness in the Third Chakra (solar plexus ) area. Using these techniques and others learned from other sources has increased my own of ease and vitality.


 THE PHYSICAL body is a complex series of separate, yet related systems of energy. Each section expresses a range of energy vibrations within a network of zones of energy, spheres within spheres. These chakras are the energetic links between the human body and the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.  Activation of the chakras allows us to operate at optimal levels mentally, physically, and spiritually.

 EXERCISE: Once you’ve identified which of chakras are feeling less active or unbalanced, try sensing if the blockage or imbalance is physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Using intuition, then validating by using a pendulum or working with an experienced practitioner can assist in identifying these. Making a written or mental note of these will allow you to go back and address these by using energy work such as meditation, crystal/mineral use or other work to clear and energize each chakra needing assistance.

 NOTE: Doing this on a daily basis works best for me. Clearing the chakras frequently allows me to operate more optimally in all areas of my life, so I do my best to establish as a routine an notice when I have not done this in he same that my body notice that I have skipped yoga class.


 QUARTZ, considered the “mother” of all stones, consists primarily of silicon dioxide. Our bodies and the Earth contain a high amount of this same mineral. Quartz is a transmitter that continually receives and releases energy. By holding a piece of quartz or wearing a piece touching our body, we connect the electrical circuit between the quartz, our body and the earth. In creating this circuit and adding intention, we prompt the release of energy collected and stored from the past and allow a balance to return that provides strength by “recharging” our system and providing a “tune-up”, leaving us able to operate freely in the present. ALL minerals contain the element silicon dioxide, so by nature are related to Quartz and are guided by the same principles with added characteristics of their own because of addition of other elements and add their own unique healing properties to the already powerful and dynamic Quartz.

 EXERCISE: Become consciously aware that your body is a living crystal, a radio beacon so to speak that is constantly receiving & releasing energy and serves as a tool that enhances and speeds up this ever happening process. Because energetically all crystals are connected to each other, those used by holding them or placing them on your crystalline body can be consciously and intentionally directed toward your own healing. Becoming aware of your body as a crystalline ‘device’ that uses the chakras to nurture your life force will greatly enhance your ‘balancing the chakras’ with crystals and minerals experience.

 NOTE: A friend says that crystals and minerals are Earth’s way of praying. If so, then perhaps these gifts of Mother Nature are tools truly gifted to us as a divine connection through sacred geometry to ‘all that is’. Let’s choose to honor them by using them consciously with intention for the ‘highest good of all’.


THE ANSWER is that they are ALL healing. All are related to quartz and can interact with you when you are holding or wearing them or you are simply focused on their qualities and are using them with intention. If new to using these wonderful tools, be aware that they will not all ‘resonate’ with you all at the same time. Only those ready and willing to work with you will come forward as needed. Choosing intuitively and/or penduling will let you know which these are. Working with only those coming forward will allow you the opportunity to know the properties of each better.    

EXERCISE: Avail yourself of the bounty of literature available either at websites or book form and save or purchase those that are your favorites. Know that your own intuition is your best guide and that each stone is as unique as each of your friends is to you. Backing up your intuitive knowing by checking in with pendulum use can allow you to trust your own decisions more and more confidently.  

NOTE: Information found at our site is comprehensive and we have included all that are listed in any guide for sake of completeness and thoroughness. If using the information at our site, simply clicking on each chakra icon on left will take you to detailed info on each chakra including a list of stones associated with that particular chakra. To easily print an informative full-color 5 page Chakra Guide to use as a handy reference go here, then click Control/P on your computer.


With so many stones listed in many popular books and websites, choosing and creating your own set may seem an overwhelming challenge. Most books and many sites that list stone properties list the chakras they are associated with. Melodie’s ‘Love is in the Earth’ lists over 600 minerals and is considered ‘the purple bible’ by some. Books by Judy Hall are extremely popular and include pictures, although many pictured may not be available and what you find available to you for sale may very greatly in color and appearance.  Many of the stones listed will not be commonly available because of scarcity or fragility in shipping. Some considered rare are often not affordable, so avoid thinking that only certain a  certain stones is ‘right’.  Know that those that are appropriate or ‘correct’ will present themselves as needed.

EXERCISE: Pre-selected chakra balancing sets like those we offer and those available through other sources generally include information on properties of the stones included in the set and the chakras associated with those stones and a great way to begin. If you have chosen one of these, you are ready to begin, although you will most likely add more as you have by now become a ‘collector’.  If you already have plethora of stones available, choose from among those using intuition and/or a pendulum, then use on-line or printed literature to help you identify which chakras relate to each. Select out those that are easily held in the hand to create what you consider the appropriate set for you.

NOTE: Choose a convenient and safe place to display or store your set. If intending to travel with these, a sturdy drawstring pouch may be preferred. If not needing to transport your set, another option is to display them on an altar or place in a small bowl where they are easily accessible. One of our customers displays hers on her desk at work where they are visible but safe from excessive handling by curious by passers-by, while her husband prefers keeping his set under his bed pillow.

NOTE: Honoring the tradition of ‘intuition, attention, intention’ always comes first for me in choosing what is needed ‘at this time’. Recently while showing a friend how to use pendulum, I discovered that the ‘stone needed for me at this time’ was Malachite for first chakra, even though it is not generally considered a first chakra stone.  The human body in it’s connection to an infinite wisdom can truly become your greatest healer!



        1) Find a quiet spot where you can sit comfortably sit with spine straight in chair with feet on floor or a place where you can sit on floor lotus style. Arrange the stones you have selected in front of you or if using set with many choices leave them in a bowl, on a table where handy or on the floor in front of you.

       2) Intentionally ‘ground’ yourself by imagining a tree root, waterfall, golden rod or whatever comes to mind, extending from base of your spine into center of earth, then visualize excess or unwanted negative energies depositing into the center of the Earth.  This will allow the chakras to balance more quickly and easily.

       3) Holding the hands in a palms up, resting on knees position seems to work best for this. Then beginning with the First Chakra, place the stone that you chosen in non-dominant hand (if right handed, the non-dominant is usually the left and vice versa).  Thank it for it’s wisdom and it’s service.

       4) Visualizing a cone-like vortex both in front of and behind that chakra and pull in the energy of that stone while breathing in the future and visualizing the future that you are wanting to manifest.  

       5) Holding the breathe for a few seconds, allow the ‘old energy’ to gather itself into a sphere, thank it for it’s service and release it when you emphatically release this breathe while ‘breathing out the past’.

       6) Move the stone you are holding into the dominant hand.

       7) Take another deep in-breathe, filling the space just cleared with golden light or with light associated with that chakra. Continue this until that space feels clear and light-filled. If working with a chakra that has been imbalanced or blocked for some time this may take a few in-breathes and release breathes. Practice will allow you to sense this more easily.

       8) Once feeling clear, ask your guides for any messages that indicate an action that you might take relating to what you have just released and create a plan to act on this. This may be something as simple as connecting with a friend not seen in a long time, picking up a book and intuitively opening it to just the ‘right’ page, or considering a  holistic practice that you have been curious about. The intent is to take your intuition from thought to an actual event or activity. This allows the guidance received to actualize the ‘balance’ you are seeking.

       9) Place stone back with others, then move on to Second Chakra, Third, Fourth Chakra etc. in same manner for each using above ‘visualize cone’, breathe in the future, hold breathe, release past method.

       10) Finish by expressing gratitude to the stone entities that have come forward to assist, then allow a stream of light to filter down through your aura (and chakra fields) collecting all that ‘no longer serves me’ and return it to the Earth by intentionally grounding yourself again.

        11) Some have asked about the need to ‘clear’ their stones after chakra balancing use. You can, if you choose to, program your ‘set’ to be self-clearing so that there is no need to do so after each use. If preferring to clear each time, information found at our website may be very helpful. 

        12) Smile, express gratitude for being in a body intelligent enough to allow this opportunity for self healing, and have a beautiful, bliss filled day’.

Note: Doing this daily in the morning before I start my work day and drawn into doing other daily activities. The intensity and rapidness of change has been challenging lately, so I am grateful to have this process that leaves me feeling relaxed, grounded and balanced when I take the time to use it. Hopefully this can become a part of your own unique journey with the awesome crystal and mineral entities. EnJOY!

NOTE: Above information has been adapted from our Healing Thru Heart-Guide to Chakra Balancing & Seven Major Chakras. This colorful 24-page booklet is a comprehensive, detailed guide to all 7 major chakras including Common Name, Sanskrit Name, Element, Metal, Planet, Astro Sign, Location, Placement on Body, Fragrances, Tones, Color Meanings and Much, much more! including an easy meditation guide and instructions on pendulum use can be purchased through Distribly here for $8.00.

 Copyright@HeartofMaui2014. Please share w/permission of author Skye Coe, if authorship AND link to Heart of Maui website included. MAHALO!




All of Chakra Sets offered by Heart of Maui include a generous 12 beautiful 1″ minerals,

hand selected at time of your purchase and come either with or w/o center crystal and complimentary

Guide to Minerals in Set and a Mini-Chakra Guide in sturdy Velveteen Pouch for as little as $11.

All make wonderful gifts for the self or others! To order, visit site or call at 808-280-3682.



Basic  TUMBLED STONE Chakra Set

Basic TUMBLED STONE Chakra Set

Premium TUMBLED STONE  Chakra Set

Premium TUMBLED STONE Chakra Set

Basic Heartstone Balancing Sets

Basic HEARTSTONE Balancing Sets

Premium HEARTSTONE Balancing Sets

Premium HEARTSTONE Balancing Sets


Sacred Geometry Chakra Balancing Set  $59 Set

Sacred Geometry Chakra Balancing Set $59 Set

For complete info on properties of and Chakras related to ALL of minerals included

in our beautiful sets, please click on pictures shown above. 

Andara Practitioner's Personal Set

For information on Andara Crystal Glass from the Sacred Land their properties and how

they relate to Chakra use please visit here to view and print out Properties Guide!


Chakra Rainbow Flag (10 feet in length) $29

Chakra Rainbow Flag (10 feet in length) $29

Tantra Rainbow Flag (10 feet in length) $33

Tantra Rainbow Flag (10 feet in length) $33



Tools for Spiritual Transformation

& Conscious Evolution

Crystal & MineralsAndaras * Lemurians * Chakra Sets

Pendulums * Taffeta Jewelry Saques * Karuna Art Chakra, Goddess,

Children’s, World Peace Prayer Flags and much More.        1-808-280-3682 HST

 We’d LOVE to hear from you!   Please Join us on 

FaceBook or view our goodies at Pinterest!


Lovingly, Skye  & Team!

Cosmic Insights from: Quantum Awakening

hubble 2007 8THESE WORDS SEEMED TO RESONATE WITH ME SO profoundly that I wanted to share with all. These past few weeks at times have seemed like little more than a grand lesson in ‘allowing’ rather than ‘making’ things happen. The result has been an abundance of gifts, some surprising, a greater sense of inner calm and outer joy, yet I am still left wondering why there has been a lingering feeling of my feet seem to be ‘stuck in cement’. Is this what it feels like the be in the ‘reality’ of both the third and fith dimensions? Many friends seem to be experiencing this also, so it was with great delight that I discovered this article by one of my favorite channels, Crystal Whisperer Gillian MacBeth-Louthan. EnJOY!

As we move thru this year, the weight of our do’s and don’ts seem to get heavier, denser and more solid than anytime in the past. They gather around and cement themselves at our feet, creating an immovable sinking feeling. Our intentions chomp at the bit, our soul gives us the green light, but our human little self-stands tall and still. We sink deeper and deeper into despair and dis-repair, as we beat ourselves with the proverbial wet noodle.
We spend vast amounts of energy disagreeing with ourselves. trying to tame what seems to be the wild beast of indecision, the monster that holds us back, always blocking our way into happiness, into love, and into abundance. With the amount of energy that we spend on arguing with ourselves, we could build malls, erect towers, sculpt obelisks, and maybe even a great pyramid or two.
We stand still, as we sink deeper in the quicksand, into the quagmire of non-action. We continually sabotage our dreams our desires, our future, in an effort to save the rainforests of the old self. We hold tight to that which once served us. Numbing our ability to move into the new, the shinier, and the bright future of our dreams. Why are we afraid to move forward? Why are we afraid to take action, to act on?
Everyone on earth is feeling the transformation. We all know that there is no staying in the comfort zone, the null and void zone. We know it is time to get up off the benches of the old self of the past and move into the playing field of the new, the now. Yet when it comes our turn to bat, we freeze. Frozen still in all of the possibilities, the new doorways the wonders of our future. Embracing our ‘Popsicle consciousness’. Like Frosty the snowman, waiting fearfully for spring, knowing the change is inevitable. Frosty could move into a pattern that assisted this change, but chooses not to.
Humanity is destined and designed to change and for change. Like water, we each have the potential to experience many forms. We have our liquid days, our solid days, our vaporous days, and our evaporated days. We can be as an iceberg, a stream, a cloud, a raindrop, mist, or an ocean. We are 90% water. We ebb and flow with every new thought, every sunrise, and every storm, every eclipse. Yet year after year, we yearn to stay still, stay stuck, stay constant and in our comfort zone. The only true constant that we really have is the fact that we will always shift and change!
Understand that the restlessness and yearning within you are promptings from the Universe, Gentle reminders it is time to let go, Nothing can grow in your resistance. You are not moving into a future that is less than; change always walks hand and hand with the energy of ‘more.’ You can be nothing less, but you can always) be more. ~ GILLIAN MACBETH-LOUTHAN


Tools for Spiritual Transformation & Conscious Evolution

Crystal & Minerals* Andaras * Lemurians * Chakra Sets
Pendulums * Taffeta Jewelry Saques * Karuna Art Chakra, Goddess
Children’s, World Peace Prayer Flags and much More.     or    

and Facebook!!

 1-808-280-3682   We’d LOVE to hear from you! 



UFO that appeared on request,with Pueo feather

UFO that appeared on request,with Pueo feather

A SPONTANEOUS TRIP to Mt. Haleakala volcano area on Maui this past Super Moon Sunday resulted in these great pics. Friends Chihiro and Natsuko had wanted Akashic Records readings by Rev. Grace Provost and all agreed this would be a great location for readings and honoring Pele ceremony, so off we headed in a rented (with AC) car and basked in the beautiful energies pulsing through the Universe. Asking the many ships present that they make themselves known by using the  ET Contact Tool App ( tones meant to call them in, resulted in the pic with unusual markings. Rev Grace had taken two Pueo feathers with, leaving one as an offering, so it is wonderful to see the feather image that showed up in that same pic. Mahalo Ke Akua a me U’i Makuahine Pele!  LINK to Gallery


Galaxy Grace

DETAILS ON SPACECRAFT. . . The ship is from the Galactic Federation – Sirian Nation.  She is a personal transport named The She”Aste.   She”Aste is an intelligent living being on her own that one can link up with telepathically by touching a hand to control panel and becoming one with her.  It is operated by Shemesh and a cousin Taliel  and one shipmate called Tale’ek an engineer.  They recorded the ceremony that took place on Sunday and so have “photos” of us!!


Dear Hearts – the time is getting so exciting for us as well as all those on earth who are aware that the time is NOW!  All your dreams are about to come true!  The truth is coming out already here and there and like dominoes shall it all be one announcement and event after the other!  The next few months shall be amazing!

Don’t go crazy and continue to stay grounded, love one another, be kind to all, compassionate, and be the light!  LOVE IS THE KEY!! visualize what the new world shall be like and thus bring it into being. Sananda and The Galactic Federation

PS abundance is now!  It is like a snowball at the top of the hill just pushed off and rolling down hill picking up speed and snow!!  So put on your snow shoes and go out and play!  Dreams do come true.

MESSAGE FROM MADAM PELE-  Soon all you know will change like a puff of smoke!  You must LOVE it into being!  YOU must BE what you want to experience!  It is all inside you and you must be a LOVE radiator.  For if you love your neighbor as yourself you will do , think, say no harm to them!  All are ONE!   So  BE ONE. Forgive, be kind. All is well. Aloha.



Iao Valley Ceremony Galaxy Grace in Ceremony at the Iao Valley, Maui Hawaii

Lemurian Legacy Workshop Galaxy Grace – Our Lemurian Legacy Part 1

Part 2 Galaxy Grace – Our Lemurian Legacy Part 2


Tools for Spiritual Transformation & Conscious Evolution

Crystal & Minerals* Andaras * Lemurians * Chakra Sets
Pendulums * Taffeta Jewelry Saques * Karuna Art Chakra, Goddess
Children’s, World Peace Prayer Flags and much More.     or    

 1-808-280-3682   We’d LOVE to hear from you! 


Crystal Energy

Having had many Native American past lifetimes working with the crystal entities of the ‘no-leggeds’ as I affectionately call them, I resonate with this very strongly. Pilamaye, wise and wonderful ones! How about you?


LOVE Sharing TheseBeautiful Mandalas!

LOVE sharing these beautiful mandalas! Seems to be very in sync with all that is happening.
Someone called it ‘roadrunner’ medicine. Being able to change gears quickly and smoothly, a good skill to have.


The code of this week:: SWITCHING

The path to enlightenment brings us new challenges and experiences. With every step, we make ourselves more aware of our knowledge and strength which enables us to shape our own lives single-handedly. We learn to trust our intuition and get our answers from higher dimensions. However, the downside of this development is that it can be difficult to keep functioning. As we look at reality differently, we also become aware of the restrictions of our three-dimensional world. At this stage it is important to keep switching. Please realise there is no point in flying high if you are not able to land properly. It is not your goal to escape from earthly life, because you have chosen to be here. This is where life happens, nowhere else, so wake yourself up if the dream lasts too long. The frequency of Switching helps you to speed up the process of switching between the outside world and your inner experience.

We wish you a wonderful week!

~ Janosh Art

Andara Color and Properties Guide

Andara- amberAmber: Golden Brown. Promotes direction of one’s path and choices. Creates mental, emotional strength. It has a calming effect. 2nd, 3rd Chakras.




Andara Ane'laAne’la: Aqua blue. This is the angel stone holding the Field of one’s Intention. Brings the clearest expression of an individual’s Source Consciousness that can be embodied. Allows the possibility of receiving, ascending and integrating potential that the Ane’la Consciousness embodies. The Ane’la opens a stargate of Unlimited Consciousness. The aqua blue color holds an immense high heart frequency in its own right. The frequency is exponentially increased through the infusion of the angelic frequencies Ane’la consciousness elicits. Aligning with the Ane’la in and through the purity of one’s intentions, one’s individual field is catapulted into rarefied Angelic dimensions. 4th, 5th, 8th Chakras

Andara -Antarctic IceAntarctic Ice: Clear but light greenish grey in appearance. Holds knowledge and energy from Beings of the Great Central sun. Holds the Secrets of the Akashic records and the Creation of the Earth that may be accessed through meditation. Energy Pre-Lemurian AA-Michael, AM-Kuthumi, Jesus. F-Nature Kingdom. 1st, 9th, 18th Chakra.


Andara - Avalon blueAvalon Blue: Clear with light to very light bluish tint. Holds the energy of the high priestess. Restores grace, peace, harmony, acceptance and compassion. Brings forth peaceful change and channels divine energy. It holds mother energy. Takes you back to a time when the royal blood lines began and honor, service to God (Divine Source) and mankind brings you to a place of oneness with your Divine Plan & path. Awakening of work begun long ago. 5th, 7th Chakras.


Andara BlackBlack: Holds together all things. The most balancing and grounding of all the Andara, yet, within the Black Andara is all eternity and access to it. There is great power held within the Black Andara and as such it is rare and sacred. The keeper of the black Andara is Sanat Kumara who works with Thoth to provide access to those who are ready to receive and have the open heart, love and will of Divine Good. The Black Andara works as a key. 1st Chakra.


Andara Blood Of WarriorBlood Of Warrior: Opaque, deep red, sometimes pitted. Extremely high energies of heart, protection of self, others. Holds energy of Guardian of Night, and Guardian of Night Watchers (not to be confused with the Night Marchers) on Maui. For women it is protection of children and self. AA-Michael, AM-St. Germain. M/F. 18th, 25th Chakras.


Andara Camelot ChampagneCamelot Champagne: Very pale yellow/peach. The Camelot Champagne Andara holds the energy of wonder, restoring joy, innocence and magnificence. Camelot Champagne builds community and creates possibilities. Camelot holds universal knowledge. It opens the heart of the child. 4th Chakra.



Tangerine Solar Light Andara

Cosmic Force (Tangerine Solar Light): NEW! Clear peachy Red.  Rare. Brings inner energy, strength, clarity and power. Propels one forward to claim their prosperity and success fulfilling their soul’s desire. Gives one the sense of oneness and connection with all. Works powerfully with the Solar Light Council of 12 Brotherhood of light. Brings the solar light to earth. Unity and love of cosmic connections, joy, peace, healing love, cosmic unity. Strong Female. AA-Michael, AM-Serapis Bey, F, 3rd, 4th Chakras.


Andara Daughter of PeleDaughter Of Pele: Clear, sometimes a ‘strawberry’ red lighter than Divine Fire. AA-Metatron, AM-Lady Nadia. F (also read Divine Fire) 3rd, 9th, 12th Chakras.




Andara Divine FireDivine Fire: Deep red, brownish red, generally clear, sometimes streaked with yellow. The Fire of the Divine burns through all old energies and old patterns bringing you a clear and balanced body, mind and spirit. The fire Andara is under the guidance of Babaji who closely oversees and guides all who take on the energy purification and balancing through the Fire Andara. A profound connection to the Goddess Pelé brings an honoring of the Goddess and the clarity of deep spiritual value in the Divine that lies within you. AA-Maitraya, AM-Jesus, El Morya. 8th, 9th, 19th Chakras.


Fire Solar Light AndaraFire Of The Heart (Fire Solar Light):  NEW! Clear bright Red with Yellow Highlights. Clears the path of obstacles in the way of success. Brings all the properties of Tangerine Solar Light. Inner energy, strength, clarity and power. Propels one forward to claim their prosperity and success fulfilling their soul’s desire. Gives one the sense of oneness and connection with all. Works powerfully with the Solar Light Council of 12 Brotherhood of light. Brings the solar light to earth. Purification by purging heart and soul like a volcano belching fire. Hawai’ian god Lono energies. Male.AA-Raphael, AM-Aiwohi (Hawaiian Goddess),.  Male.  1st, 3rd Chakras.


Andara Gold/GreenGold / Green: Promotes creativity, the Green/Gold Andara brings all the elements of Merlin’s Light Green which is the honor, wisdom and connectedness to Divine Source (God). Gold is pure wisdom which brings you to Zero Point within as it integrates the polarities of masculine and feminine within the individual. This is a divine gift brought here for this special mission and the timing is crucial. Its mission is very large indeed. 3rd, 4th Chakra


Heavenly Olive Andara

Heavenly Olive (Opaque): NEW! Olive Green. Brings the feeling of love and inclusiveness. Calming and a peacemaker so named after the Olive Branch. Brings growth and the abundance of Life to the structure of your relationships so that they will thrive. Brings financial abundance and vibrancy. Highly spiritually evolved Andara bringing levels beyond quantum healing.


Andara Higher HeartHigher Heart: Celestial Green Blue. Brings together the energies of the higher heart & throat chakra merging powerful gifts of communication & unconditional agape. Archangel Michael’s influence brings a merging within while allowing the outward communication to flow from the depths of one’s soul. Brings grace to one’s self & others in the presence of this Andara’s energy. 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th Chakras.


Andara Lavender BlueLavender Blue: A powerfully psychic crystal it helps put you in touch with your intuition. The Lavender Andara opens the spiritual psychic center of the mind; the third eye. Works with St. Germain and the energies of violet transformation. 6th, 8th, 9th Chakras.



Andara Luminescent BlueLuminescent Blue (Sapphire): Carries the gifts of power, will, drive, confidence, strength and is connected to the Will of God. Ascended Master El Morya, the most renowned of the Tibetan mahatmas, is at work through this Luminescent Blue Andara and together, he and Archangel Michael work through the throat chakra to transform all to the will to do good. 5th, 12th, 15th Chakras.


Andara Luminescent GreenLuminescent Green: Brings healing, with focused working through the heart chakra. Luminescent Green Andara concentrates on concrete science, knowledge and research, and is connected to the Temple of Truth. AM aster Hilarion is helping to bring in the scientific aspect of the New Age through the Luminescent Green Andara by teaching us to use our mental powers by dropping seed thoughts of the new technology and scientific ideas into receptive minds. He works through the Luminescent Green Andara expand the mind and bring new consciousness and spirituality into all areas of scientific discovery. He stands for accuracy, justice, common sense and upright attitudes. He works with AA Raphael to bring this Luminescent Green healing energy through this Andara Crystal. 4th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 15th Chakras.

Andara Luminescent WhiteLuminescent White: Holds the secrets of God, the Universe and the true history of the planet, working to establish heaven on earth. Luminescent White Andara holds the energy of an ancient cosmic being in charge of the order of Melchizedek,. This brotherhood organizes the Mystery School, which holds the secrets of God, the Universe and the true history of the planet, and is working to establish heaven on Earth. Jesus was a high priest in the Order of Melchizedek. All humans belong at some level to this order. Archangel Metatron works together with Melchizedek to teach those who are ready. 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 15th Chakras.


Andara Luminescent YellowLuminescent Yellow: Brings a higher octave of light, wisdom, truth and understanding. When you work with the Luminescent Yellow you will be working directly with Ascended Master Kuthumi and Archangel Jophiel who helps to touch people with wisdom and illumination, tact, foresight, consideration and friendliness. Promotes decisiveness, mental clarity and power. Brings harmony through detachment to the 3rd chakra. 3rd, 12th, 13th Chakras.


Andara Merlin's BlueMerlin’s Blue: Holds the qualities of Royalty and the Mystical. Holds the qualities of Merlin’s Light Green Andara as well. Brings powerful connection with the celestial reams and great alchemy. Energetically, moves energy in a spiritually uplifting way. 5th Chakra.



Andara Merlin's Green - DarkMerlin’s Green- Dark:  It holds the energy of magic. It brings forth vision and manifestation. Merlin’s Light awakens leprechaun alchemy and restores the powers of royalty. It holds the ancient knowledge of the emerald tablets. Merlin’s Light gives you access to many dimensions. It awakens the wisdom of the grandmothers. 4th Chakra


Andara Merlin's Green-LightMerlin’s Green- Light: It holds the energy of magic. It brings forth vision and manifestation. Merlin’s Light awakens leprechaun alchemy and restores the powers of royalty. It holds the ancient knowledge of the emerald tablets. Merlin’s Light gives you access to many dimensions. It awakens the wisdom of the grandmothers. 4th Chakra


Andara Merlin's PurpleMerlin’s Purple: Holds everything that the Merlin’s Light Green holds with the addition of bringing a powerful magical alchemy that can not be described. Helps to Activate the Third Eye. Improves intuition. 4th, 6th, 8th Chakras.



Andara Ocean BlueOcean Blue: Brighter blue, very clear, many exhibiting striped blue/clear pattern. Cleanses and brings high mountain stream, waterfall, ocean bottom energies. Connects with Angelic realms, AA-Gabriel, AM-Hilarion, F-Mother Earth. 3rd, 5th, 9th Chakras.



Yellow Solar Light Andara

The ‘Ohana (Yellow Solar Light Opaque): NEW! Very pale opaque Yellow. Renews one’s life and purpose by clearing away old ideas of self. Gives strength of direction in one’s life. Ultra-cleansing to the chakras and the auric field. Clears away mental fog bringing a calm perspective to one’s life. Brings newness and freshness to life and one’s home environment. Generates a field of new possibilities. Opens one to life’s joy and creativity. Allow a doorway to bring in new friends and loved ones. Allows one’s heart to receive love. Healing all around for groups and families, bringing together unity of all. AA-Gabriel, AM-Quan Yin, 3rd, 5th Chakras.


Andara Oracle ClearOracle Clear: This crystal is a channel for wisdom and focus. The Oracle Clear holds the energy of clarity and brilliance. It resonates focus, wisdom and truth. It opens the doorway to the future. It is the director of energy. The Oracle Clear holds the wisdom of the grandfather. 7th Chakra.



Andara OrchidOrchid: Beautiful pastel orchid, can be frosty or clear. High power gift of Angels, connects to Heart Chakra. Can be used for purification, amplification of pure intent. AA-Raphael, AM-St Germain, Raphael. M. 17th Chakra



Andara PinkPink: Promotes unconditional love and compassion opening the heart chakra to forgiving and receiving. Most are candy pink, a few are a rosy pink and some have an iridescent sheen Promotes gentleness, unconditional love. Although sometimes in a formed shape, none of these are of modern origin *. AA-Gabriel, AM-Lady Nada, F-Grandmother’s Wisdom. 4th , 15th Chakras.


Andara Power of KingsPower Of Kings: Deep purple -appears black to the eye until held in the light-Rulership and leadership. Ancient kings held it for guidance with higher self, guides, and higher beings. May be used for guidance. Knowledge of past lives can be accessed by prayer with. Holds energies of High Priest, considered a magical stone. AA-Metatron, AM-Kuthumi, Jesus. M. 10th,
12th, 15th Chakras.


Andara SeafoamSeafoam: Shades of Green, Blue and Yellow. Seafoam holds some or all of the properties of the Andara Crystals. Seafoam works mainly on generational heritage-DNA clearing past life related issues. Renews cellular memory cleansing body, mind and spirit. Its like immersing yourself in an ocean of Mother Earth Elements of Water and Salt honoring the Divine Feminine. The salt element rebuilds your cellular memory and manifest emotional calm and stability to walk through the world in a powerful way. Any Chakra, read both Seafoam and description of properties for stone color.


Andara Shaman's StoneShaman’s Stone: Dark Root Beer Brown. These are the peace keepers. Place them at your front gate and everyone that comes through the gate will be blessed by this stone. The Shaman’s Stone holds the energy of Mother Earth and provides total healing within…taking pain away. Nurturing loving, grounding energy. It helps you build foundations. It holds the powers of shape shifting and the ability to see things from new perspectives. It clears old energies, returns all things back to their original state’ hold father energy. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 9th, 12th Chakras.


Andara Sky BlueSky Blue: Very pale blue, but more apparently blue than Avalon Blue that often appears clear. This is an ‘air’ stone that can be used to cleanse, purify upper atmosphere regions and to transmute chemtrail energies. AA-Michael, AM-Jesus, M, Chakras-2nd, 5th.



Andara Tourmaline GreenTourmaline Green: Beautiful clear pale green. Purification on soul level. Cleansing of Heart Chakra, grounds feet to path. Represents perfect union, honors Pele. AA-Raphael, AM-Kuthumi. M/F. 4th, 9th, 11th, 19th Chakras.



Andara Yellow GreenYellow / Green: Helps relieve nervousness and pressure. Take it and hold it in your hand and you can feel the nervousness leaving the body. Wear it around your neck or in your pocket and it will help relax you. The Yellow/Green Andara creates the connection between the intellectual nature and the connection with Mother Earth’s Nature Kingdom. The Yellow/Green Andara calms and supports the individual while bringing the spirit of play and enjoyment. Its mission is to be here in this special timing to support us as we move closer to 2012. 3rd, 4th Chakras.


General Properties of All Andara:

In addition to the above properties, each color of Andara has it’s own specific attributes.

This information channeled from many sources including Galactic Channel Grace Provost.

How To Easily Choose Your Andara

Andara Practitioner's Personal SetTara Hankey, LMT.

 Most crystal lovers and lightworkers are familiar with the saying “You do not choose the stone, the stone chooses you.” Each of us have countless stories of this manifesting in reality. At our Heart Of Maui Swap Meet booth as well as in our “Guide to 7 Major Chakras we offer the following advice: 

INTUITION-Allow yourself to be drawn to the stone that you need.  In its own way it will speak to you.  Honoring this guideline enables you to choose the stone that is needed to bring balance to dis-ease. Intuition is the most important part of the process.

ATTENTION- Why has this stone chosen you?  What makes it different than other stones?  Is it the way it “feels”? Are there special markings that you notice but no one else does?  Is it a feeling of connection or knowingness?  Once a stone has chosen to work with you it will definitely have your attention!  Follow that lead!

INTENTION-What message does your ‘chosen’ stone  have for you?  What questions have you lately been seeking the answers to?  How can you best use that information in creating a plan of action that allows balance to return? Listen with your heart and your stone will guide you. Honoring the answers given will create the most effective healing and most beneficial relationship between you and your new friend.

Choosing Andara is no different than choosing any other crystal or stone. Andara lovers frequently use the following methods when facing what may at first feel as an overwhelming number of choices. They include:

  1. Allowing yourself to be drawn by color, then reading about that color’s properties and feeling if that Andara resonates with you.
  2. Using a pendulum or other polarity testing method. Many people we know hold a pendulum over each of the 30 plus choices available and feel for a positive or negative response. They then look up the colors that received a positive response and use that information to help them make their decision.
  3. Using the information in our Andara Set Suggestion Guide, you may use your intuition or a pendulum to determine “which Andara is in my highest good,” choosing an Andara based on the association with a particular Chakra or relationship with the Archangels, Ascended Masters, Angelic Realms and/or Masculine & Feminine Polarities.

If you would like further assistance in connecting you with your Andara, please feel welcome to call us at (808) 280-3682. Ensuring that you and your Andara are happy is of utmost importance to us!

We now offer Andara in Sets of 20 colors! The full set is a great way to get all the Chakra colors at a great price!

Andara Colors & Properties Guide

Andara Color & Properties Guide



Tools for Spiritual Transformation

& Conscious Evolution

Crystal & Minerals* Andaras * Lemurians * Chakra Sets

 Pendulums * Taffeta Jewelry Saques * Karuna Art Chakra, Goddess,

Children’s, World Peace Prayer Flags and much More.     or

 1-808-280-3682   We’d LOVE to hear from you!

Please Join us on FaceBook at Heart of Maui


Ten Great Reasons to Add Andara To Your Holistic Healing Practice

Beautiful Large Andara

General Properties of All Andara:

SINCE OFFERING ANDARA THROUGH HEART OF MAUI over 3 years ago we have sent over 3,000 pieces into the hearts and hands of light workers and holistic practitioners throughout the world. As authorized resellers, we are honored to continue the work began by Lady Nellie over 30 years ago. Currently available Andara colors include: Amber, Ane’la, Antarctic Ice, Avalon Blue, Black, Blood of the Warrior, Camelot Champagne, Daughter of Pele, Divine Fire, Gold/Green, Higher Heart, Lavender Blue, Luminescent Blue, Luminescent Green, Luminescent White, Luminescent Yellow, Merlin’s Blue, Merlin’s Green, Merlin’s Purple, Ocean Blue, Oracle Clear, Orchid, Pink, Power of Kings, Seafoam, Shaman’s Stone, Sky Blue, Tourmaline Green, and Yellow/Green. We also have limited availability of four special RARE Andara: Fire Solar Light, Tangerine Solar Light, Yellow Solar Light (Opaque), Heavenly Olive (Opaque).

               What Are Andara?          Lady Nellie's Story           Andara Colors & Properties Guide


OUR ANDARA HAVE BEEN USED IN CEREMONY and been gifted many times over. Here on Maui, they are now being used by five Holistic Practitioners. In addition, Akashic Channel Grace Provost performs readings of Andara and is able to determine the age of the Andara, and planetary connections, the reason for personal connection with the specific piece, and other details such as chakra, ascended master and archangel association.


Andara Heart of Earth Ceremony, Spring Equinox 2010           Andara Practitioners           Akashic Channel Grace Provost


IN CHOOSING THE ANDARA FOR YOUR ORDER, WE PENDULE FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD INTENDED, or for your other specifications. Affordable prices, multiple sizing and quantity discounts allow you to select precisely what is needed for your practice or simply for your own personal use. Our satisfaction rate is 100%, and our joyous customers order with confidence from anywhere in the world! All shipping, international and domestic, is done via USPS Priority.




Tools for Spiritual Transformation

& Conscious Evolution

Crystal & Minerals* Andaras * Lemurians * Chakra Sets

 Pendulums * Taffeta Jewelry Saques * Karuna Art Chakra, Goddess,

Children’s, World Peace Prayer Flags and much More.     or

 1-808-280-3682   We’d LOVE to hear from you!

Please Join us on FaceBook at Heart of Maui


Click here to listen to a special broadcast; a discussion about the Olympics and their correlation to disclosure and ascension. 

Cosmic Vision News
Breaking News Special Edition

Sierra Neblina, a Pleiadian was on the show to share her connection to a potentially unfolding event at the London Olympics.

Several crop circles reported recently have indicated that something could happen on or around August 4th. Several messages from channelled sources also had indicated the possibility that something could unfold within a week or two.

Sierra shared that she ‘saw’ a very intense meeting involving numerous world leaders, the Queen and members of our galactic families. The galactic families were informing the leaders of the world that they are moving too slowly with transitioning global affairs, and if they were not willing to announce disclosure by or before the 4th of August, that the galactic families would be taking disclosure into their own hands. Sierra reports that several plans were being discussed, but that there also appeared to be some disagreement as to how the issue of disclosure should be introduced to the people of the world.

Also at this meeting, it was reported by Sierra that the Queen was demanding exoneration from her crimes, in exchange for surrendering to disclosure.

Sierra also reported that a solution, albeit perhaps a tentative solution has apparently been reached, although those details are not yet available at this time.
CVN will be staying on top of this potentially huge story, and updates will come as necessary.


Many thanks to Patricia Diane Cota-Robles for the following info sent to us via her newsletter which you may sign up for at!

“The Olympic Games will begin tomorrow which will provide all of us with a powerful opportunity to add to the Light of the world. For millennia the Company of Heaven has been waiting for Humanity to awaken enough to remember that we are Sons and Daughters of God, and that we are on Earth during this auspicious moment to transmute our human miscreations and reverse the adverse effects of our fall from Grace. We have ALL made a heart commitment to help Humanity reclaim the Path of Divine Love that was our natural state of Being prior to our fall into separation and duality. This is true whether we are currently aware of that covenant with God or not.

It is important to understand that the Beings of Light cannot do this for us. They can only amplify our efforts once we invoke their Divine Intervention. Humanity created the negative situations that have resulted in all of the pain and suffering on Earth. We did this, often inadvertently, through our free-will choices and the misuse of our creative faculties of thought and feeling. Consequently, we alone are responsible for invoking the Light of God that will transmute our human miscreations, thus reclaiming the Divine Plan for the Sons and Daughters of God and Mother Earth.

With this knowing a plan has been set into motion that will take advantage of the powerful celestial alignments and solar flares that are flooding the Earth during this awesome Summer of 2012. This plan requires that people around the world create a collective Cup of Consciousness through which the Light of God will flow to transmute the surfacing negativity and pave the way for the birthing of a New Renaissance of Divine Love.

The only positive event that has the potential of drawing the global focus of Humanity’s attention in the numbers necessary to transmute the amount of negativity being pushed to the surface all over the world is the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games are truly a global event, and they draw the attention of an estimated 4,500,000,000 people during the 17-days of competition. The Olympic Games signify the Family of Humanity setting aside our differences so we can come together to attain our highest level of excellence. This is the perfect thoughtform and intention needed for the collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness. Together we will magnetize enough Light to transmute our human miscreations.

The Olympic Games will begin with the Opening Ceremonies on July 27th and build in momentum through the Closing Ceremonies on August 12th. Because we are One and there is no separation, we have the ability to set the Divine Intention for the energy, vibration, and consciousness that will be released by the people focusing on the Olympic Games. All we have to do is invoke the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child and ask that the thoughts, words, actions, feelings, and beliefs associated with the Olympic Games be purified by the 5th-Dimensional Solar Violet Flame and utilized to transmute our human miscreations cause, core, effect, record, and memory back to Humanity’s initial fall from Grace. The Company of Heaven has been given permission to amplify our efforts a thousand times a thousandfold. That means that every call we make will be the same as 1,000,000 people invoking the same thing. Just imagine what a powerful difference it will make when hundreds of thousands of us are making these invocations!

This is a Cosmic Moment!. Please DO NOT let this opportunity pass you by. This moment in time is going to be an adventure. We have all been preparing for lifetimes to fulfill our unique facet of this unfolding Divine Plan. Every moment we are being given the chance to add to the Light of the World and to improve the quality of life for ourselves and all Humanity. That may sound grandiose, but we are powerful beyond our knowing, and the time for us to utilize our Divine Power is NOW!

Even though there is a lot of confusing information about what will happen in 2012, the Company of Heaven has assured us that the end result of the events that will take place this year will move the Earth and all Life evolving upon her into higher frequencies of God’s Infinite Perfection. This will result in very positive changes for each of us individually and for all of us collectively.

I know that many Lightworkers are feeling overwhelmed, but regardless of outer appearances know within the deepest recesses of your heart that we are going to be God Victorious in this holy endeavor. Everything we need to serve the Light on behalf of our fellow Human Beings and all Life on this planet is already within us. When we join our hearts and minds together we are invincible. This is the level of heart commitment that we are being asked to reach at this time. The Company of Heaven is standing in readiness awaiting the opportunity to amplify our efforts a thousand times a thousand fold.

At this very moment our I AM Presences are increasing the frequency of vibration within our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies the maximum we can endure in every 24-hour period. This may feel a little bit stressful, but it is enabling us to receive higher frequencies of Light than we have ever experienced. Remember, Light is infinitely more powerful than the fragmented, fear-based miscreations of our human egos which are surfacing to be healed. The more Light we can project into this surfacing negativity the faster it will be transmuted and the sooner the patterns of perfection for our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love will tangibly manifest in our lives. The Olympic Games are providing an opportunity to catapult this process forward at warp speed.

After decades of tenacious work by millions of Lightworkers in every conceivable location on Earth, we have reached a critical mass, a tipping point, that will allow the patterns of perfection for our Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love to begin physically manifesting. Pay attention to the positive things that are being brought to your awareness and you will confirm this for yourself. Do not focus on the bombardment of negativity that is designed to polarize people and to perpetuate fear and separation. Focus instead on the evidence of positive changes that are happening everywhere. Remember, where your attention is, there YOU are. Empower only what you want to create in your life, not the things that you do not want.

Throughout the Olympic Games let’s join our hearts and minds with the hearts and minds of our Father-Mother God, the entire Company of Heaven, and the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth. Together we will cocreate the matrix that will form the collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness during the Olympic Games. Let’s invoke the new 5th-Dimensional Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection and clear the surfacing negativity that is overwhelming so many people. Let’s also invoke the Light of God to assist all of our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity to lift their heads above the chaos and confusion, so they will remember who they are and why they have volunteered to be on Earth during this Cosmic Moment.

The following invocation has been given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. As you invoke this activity of Light with deep feeling, know that you are joining in consciousness with Lightworkers around the world who are invoking the 5th-Dimensional Solar Violet Flame with you.

This invocation is stated in the first person, so we will  experience this activity of Light individually and tangibly. But remember WE ARE ONE, so as we invoke this Solar Violet Flame for ourselves, we are also serving as surrogates on behalf of ALL Humanity.

Now through the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth, we set the Divine Intention for the energy, vibration, and consciousness that will be expressed by every single person who turns his or her attention to the Olympic Games during the seventeen days of competition.

5th-Dimensional Solar Violet Flame Invocation

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth. I AM also One with my Father-Mother God and with the entire Company of Heaven. Beloved Ones, as One Voice, One Heartbeat, One Breath, and One Consciousness of Pure Divine Love I ask that you gather up every electron of precious Life energy that is expressed in any way during the Olympic Games. Purify that energy with the 5th-Dimensional Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection, and Transmute into Light every thought, word, action, feeling, and belief associated with the Olympic Games. Utilize that Light to transmute Humanity’s surfacing human miscreations cause, core, effect, record, and memory, through all time frames and dimensions, back to our initial fall from Grace. Beloved Company of Heaven, I ask that you amplify this invocation a thousand times a thousandfold. I accept with deep appreciation and gratitude that with your assistance every invocation I make will be intensified with the power of 1,000,000 people.

I now invoke Saint Germain and the Legions of Light associated with the new frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Solar Violet Flame. Blessed Ones, come now, and blaze the most powerful cleansing activity of the 5th-Dimensional Solar Violet Flame that Humanity and the Earth are capable of receiving during this Cosmic Moment.

I open the Stargate of my Heart, and I AM instantly the Open Door for the most powerful 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection the Earth has ever experienced.

This Solar Violet Flame pulsates through my Heart Flame with the power and might of a thousand Suns. It blazes in, through, and around all inharmonious actions, all lower human consciousness, and all obstructions of the Light that any person, place, condition, or thing has ever placed in the pathway of Life’s perfection.

Through the Power of God’s Infinite Perfection, the Solar Violet Flame Transmutes this discordant energy cause, core, effect, record, and memory NOW and FOREVER.

The Silent Watchers over every country, state, city, town, village, and hamlet on the planet now reach out their great loving arms and raise up a limitless number of people in every location who are willing to participate in the faithful use of the Solar Violet Flame. Each person understands the full importance of this sacred gift now being offered by our Father-Mother God to help free Humanity from all human distresses. The conscious use of this mighty power from the Heart of God will cause to be established within every one of these places great forcefields of the Violet Flame, which will continually bathe every person in each vicinity.

Now, through the unified Clarion Call of the I AM Presence within ALL Humanity and the Legions of Light throughout infinity, the Solar Violet Flame begins to expand and expand. This Sacred Fire merges with the Divinity pulsating in every person’s heart and explodes into a tremendous Starburst of Light. On the Holy Breath this influx of the Solar Violet Flame increases to the intensity of a thousand Suns.

Now I ask Saint Germain and the Legions of Light associated with the 5th-Dimensional Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection to…

a)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the thoughts, words, actions, feelings, and beliefs of every man, woman, and child evolving on Earth until every person individually acknowledges and accepts the Oneness of ALL Life, and every expression reflects a deep Reverence for ALL Life.

b)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all incoming babies, the children, their parents, and guardians until ALL youth are raised up in energy, vibration, and consciousness to carry out the directives of their I AM Presence.

c)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all youth centers and activities; all schools, colleges and universities; all leaders, teachers, instructors, and professors in every line of endeavor until the Flame of God Illumination and Enlightenment is manifest and eternally sustained.

d)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all religious and spiritual teachings, so that Divine Love, Truth, Tolerance, and Universal Sisterhood and Brotherhood will quickly manifest.

e)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all doctors, nurses, healers, hospitals, insurance companies, pharmaceutical conglomerates, and every institution associated with healing of any kind until Divine Mercy, Compassion, Integrity, and Healing are tangible realities for every evolving soul.

f)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all banking and financial institutions, all economic systems, all money, and the people associated with monetary interactions of any kind until every person on Earth is openly demonstrating true integrity, honesty, generosity, fairness, abundance, and the God supply of all good things.

g)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all places of incarceration and all employed there, through every correctional institution and every judge, jury, and court of law until Divine Justice is manifest and eternally sustained.

h)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all space activities throughout the world until every nation unites in cooperative service, so that God’s Will may be manifest with our sisters and brothers throughout the Universe.

i)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies of Humanity until all disease and human miscreation, its cause and core, is dissolved and transmuted into purity, vibrant health, and physical perfection.

j)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the food and water industries and through all of the food and water used for  human consumption until every particle of food and every molecule of water is filled with Light. Empower this Elemental substance to raise the vibratory action of Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies until physical perfection becomes a sustained manifest reality for every Human Being.

k)  Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns in, through, and around every remaining electron of precious Life energy until the Immaculate Concept of the New Earth and our Planetary Cause of Divine Love is manifest, and all Life evolving here is wholly Ascended and FREE.

Beloved I AM Presence, Beloved Legions of Light throughout Infinity, I accept that this activity of Light is being God Victoriously accomplished even as I call, to be increased daily and hourly, moment to moment, with every breath I take.

And so it is. Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM That I AM.

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

FAX: 520-751-2981
Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717

©2012 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.”

Great tips and tools for staying balanced and grounded in such wonderful times!

Fifth-dimensional storylines can be accessed and experienced from within the present moment through awareness and conscious action. It is not a given that one will “fall into” timelines that run along themes of peace and love. However, each person holds the potential to awaken to these new reality threads and choose to shift toward them.

Such shifts can happen in the blink of an eye. The future is not fixed. Rather, it exists in probability lines that are energized through intention, vibrational frequency and action.
Once we become aware of fifth-dimensional reality threads in our field of potential, there are steps we can take to embrace and energize these probability lines. We offer here some steps:
1) Be present, awake and aware. The only way to be present in the future is be here now. Make a regular practice of slowing down, looking around you and allowing your consciousness to expand into the present moment. Too often, we fall into the trap of filling up our lives with commitments and activities that don’t feed our soul. To cope with the pain of this lack of fulfillment, we fall asleep in our daily lives. This creates more pain because sleeping through life slams us into more obstacles, perpetuating a vicious cycle.
2) Embrace grief and loss as essential components of creativity; the old must be destroyed to make way for the new. Love and appreciate what has been; express gratitude for it and release it. Many people hold back from new and more fulfilling realities because it will mean leaving behind and releasing what has been. Learning to embrace grief makes this process much easier.
3) Send love into any situation you don’t understand. As we move further into the new time, we may encounter many new situations and events we don’t understand. Love is always the answer. Send love into all situations and the answers will soon appear.

4) Recognize we are already part of all-that-is.
Our job is to merge with the force of creation by allowing ourselves to remember our oneness with the Divine order of the universe. We are not creating ourselves anew, but rather, allowing who we are to shine through.

5) Remain transparent and neutral to all you witness.
It is not necessary to have an opinion about what you see. Awareness is everything. As you allow yourself to see what is there, you see through illusion. Within the moment, our conscious mind will not be able to grasp all that is beneath the surface of physical reality. This power of inner seeing helps us navigate times when we encounter paradoxes. For instance, separation as the path to unity, darkness gives way to light; dissolution of relationships and other life situations makes way for the new. Illness and accidents can serve as preludes to opening of heightened awareness and intuitive abilities.

6) Practice self-love at all levels.
Pay attention to the needs of your body, mind and spirit. Eat fresh, unprocessed foods, especially root vegetables and dark leafy greens. Practice self-nurturing through the use of herbs, essential oils, gemstones and other healing modalities. Spend time each day communing with your spirit and expressing gratitude for everything in your life. Appreciate the Earth and all-that-is. Focus thoughts on expansive, loving themes that expand your inner light.

7) Observe all that goes on around you; observe yourself.
Keep in perspective the big picture of your life and the up-close picture. Do not allow yourself to be overly absorbed into the events of your life. This causes you to lapse into states of less awareness.

8) Stay positive on no matter what happens in your life.
Negativity drains your life-force energy and weakens your overall system, draining you of your ability to cope with what you are experiencing.

9) Practice self-reliance and self-responsibility in all matters.
Disconnect from dependency on all systems, groups or institutions. Disconnect from mechanisms of mass thought that feed on your energies. Parasitic life scripts are everywhere. By remaining awake you are able to sidestep them and write your own script. Working in cooperation with others is not the same as participating in dependency relationships which keep one enslaved to mechanisms of mass thought.

10) Connect often with nature.
The natural world exists in accordance with universal law. As we commune with nature and align ourselves with its essence, we unify our mind and spirit. A unified consciousness is essential for existing along fifth-dimensional timelines.

11) Practice preparedness; always have your affairs in order.
Allow completions. Hold in awareness that each goodbye could be your last. Complete with everyone; be willing within each moment to release all that you are and all that you know; be willing to embrace the unknown. Change is the nature of life. When you are present, awake and aware, you begin and complete each moment impeccably with no loose ends.

12) Open to the new.
Allow yourself to wake up in a new world every day. This makes it much easier to slough off old ways of thinking and re-invent yourself. You’re not the past, nor are you bound by the past.

13) Embrace freedom.
Do not give your power away to enslaving thought forms; if a situation does not serve your highest and best, it does not serve the highest and best of others.

14) Become a detective of your own life to gain awareness of old patterns and scripts operating in the background.
As you gain awareness of these scripts, visualize and rewrite them according to choices aligned with new visions and goals.

15) Review your beliefs, perceptions and goals on a regular basis.
Create a 10 most wanted list and update it regularly. This helps you set priorities and release old ideas and beliefs that no longer support your higher evolution and growth.

16) Breathe and energize your physical system.
Practice regularly forms of movement that unify body, mind and spirit such as yoga and tai chi.

17) Maintain a sense of humor in all you do.
When you feel yourself becoming overly absorbed in the dream of your life, watch a humorous movie or see your life events from a comedic perspective.

18) Meditate and act on love.
Unconditional love is the highest vibration in the universe and supercedes all other frequencies.

19) Give to others what you would like to receive and you will see your desires manifest all around you.

20) Set your intention to practice all of the above and expect miracles each day.
For more on accessing the fifth-dimension, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

For more on timelines, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta
For more information, visit