Kala Mai for taking so long to post this more detailed update.  My intention it to catch those of you new to the list up on events leading to this post .  Please share as guided to.  Mahalo a me na Pomaika’i Kakou . .  Thanks and Blessings to ALL who have been a part of this journey and have and are making it all possible as we support each other through this awesome transition into the 5th dimension.

It has been a gift and blessing to have the Andara come into my life and to see the joy and light they bring to so many.  Countless stories from so many of you who experience their wonderful ability to hold the vibration of the 5th dimension while keeping us grounded in the 3rd, have given me a great sense of responsibility in continuing to bring their presence to this little island Maui and make it possible to sent them throughout the world.

All of you reading this know that when it comes to working with the crystal and mineral kingdom that intuition rules.  Each and every stone is an entity unto itself that seems to know when it is time to go and where it will go as well as it’s purpose.  The Andara especially seemed to be adept at this practice.  Many of you using the Andara intuitively in your massage and intuitive practices have shared wonderful accounts of events and shifts occuring while using the Andara.

Denine Savage has shared that the etherium or monatomic gold element affecting the Andara allows the ‘Star Beings’ to download into each Andara exactly what is needed at that moment. Musician Don Lax and friend Denise travelled to other worlds as rainbow dragons when placing the Andara in crystal bowls as they played music around them.  Reiki practitioner Michael Reis recently had a surprising encounter with St. Germain after working with an Ancient Ice Andara.
My own personal experience is to have been guided to work with a palm-sized Luminescent White Andara that when held in my right hand fills my body with light allowing the release of fear and brings a deep calm and peacefulness.  The stories seem endless as nearly everyone using the Andara has a story.

Heart of the Earth, a beautiful ‘heart shaped’ Merlin’s Green Andara, now in the care of Miriam Trahan waited patiently until the right moment to announce it’s intentions. Dedicated in ceremony this past Spring Equinox as Heart of the Earth, it is now serving all of humanity in its’ grand mission of radiating love, aloha and compassion from her property in Haiku, Maui on the foothills of our majestic volcano Haleakala. 

Spring Equinox Celebration 2011Those of you who have been working with stones for a while, understand well the saying I have come to know many times over . . . ‘Never argue with a rock!’.  So when they talk,  I now listen, bringing me to the place of sharing about the ‘mission’ of another Andara that is currently in my possession.  It is a beautiful light aqua Ane’la, not as large as Heart of the Earth, but a hefty palm sized Andara that also has a heart like shape.  When it first arrived, I sensed that it had a purpose that I should know about, but penduling a number of times gave no clear answers, until about a week ago, when I had a dream in which I became the ancient, massive and graceful body of a humpback whale.The dream was short but long enough to leave a message. . . Know us, honor us, love us and (emphatically) Clean it Up. . . NOW!  referring to our precious mother the Earth.  I immediately sensed that this had something to do with the Ane’la that seemed to be unclear about it’s mission.  The response to the question about whether or not it was intended to head to the Big Island and kumu Auntie Mahealani and a crystal that is in her care known to many as the Galactic Whale got an stong Yes!

Galactic Crystal

Galactic Whale Crystal
Full story of galactic whale’s travels.

My assumption was that this was to be the end of our Ane’la Andara’s (pictured above)  journey and that it would stay with the Galactic Whale, but not being sure asked friend and channel Gracie Provost if we could bless and name this particular Andara she enthusiastically offered to take it with me to Iao Valley, home of the Iao Needle and one of the most sacred areas of Maui to do ceremony.

The folllowing is what was shared by Gracie:
“It says it is an Ane’la – 5 million 20 thousand and ten years old. It’s the creator’s heart and pure love. It beats Birth of a New World – ours!
It must go to the Big Island first- you are to take it. All the money to go will be arriving – keep your heart open and no doubt or fear or you will be responsible for negating this.

Meet with Auntie Mehealani and high priesthood and take it to Moana Kea for ceremony, place it on the ground, do prayer, hold it to the sun. Auntie Mehealani can do it or priesthood can. Bring it back to Maui and Bonnie is to take it to Kaua’i. There is a sacred placed there with a huge crystal . It must be placed by the crystal for a while, then it can be brought back here and it is to be given back to you. It is to be sold to a spanish/mexican woman named Maria. It is to go to the big island before July first.
Abundance is coming to all those who have been seeking it!” -Gracie

Anyone reading this who feels being drawn to being part of this process in any way, please let me know. Creator’s Heart will be present and available to hold and enjoy at any event we are attending until it heads off to Auntie Mahealani and the Galactic Whale with Gracie and me, returns to Maui, then heads off to Kauai and sacred cave area in ceremony with Bonnie Marsh, who had already planned to go at end of August. All who have held this so far have felt it intensely loving energies.

My role at this moment is simply to honor this Ane’la’s intentions. A new friend Giza recently shared with me a saying that came to her many years ago… “Stones created people so that stones can get around!” The above seems to validate that! I’ve included links with pictures of the Galactic Whale and link to Auntie Mahealani’s blog that tells story of it’s travels, as well as pictures taken recently of ‘Creator’s Heart’.


Links to website and Andara Properties information can be found here.

Colors available in addition to newer Antarctic Ice, Power of the King and Maui include a beautiful ocean/mountain light blue, a gentle orchid and soft green that have yet to be named.  Stay tuned for details or stop by any of our venues to see.  New website with updated information and ability to buy specific Andara shown with pics, weights and prices coming soon! 

Lovingly in the Perfection of Andara Love & Light!
Malama Pono )'(  SkyeWe will be at TWO  Events this weekend!
Great for those who often can’t make it to Saturday Swaps
in Kahului this Saturday April 30th
 from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  EARTH DAY FESTIVAL in Kahului at Ke’Opualani Park
(behind Maui Nuitanical Gardens, access on Wahinepi’o Rd.)
this Sunday May 1st from
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Tools for Spiritual Transformation
& Conscious Evolution
Crystal & Minerals* Andaras * Lemurians * Chakra Sets
 Pendulums * Taffeta Jewelry Saques * Karuna Art Chakra, Goddess,
Children’s, World Peace Prayer Flags and much More.
1-808-280-3682   We’d love to hear from you!
Find us on FaceBook at Heart of Maui